A little bit of history


A little bit of history

We thought for a change we would give you a little on the history of J D Robertsons.

The company was founded in 1930 by the father of its current owner, John Robertson, and originally it specialised in engineering and in replacing vehicle tyres.

We started hiring cars in 1937.

In 1960, John Robertson took over from his father and expanded the company’s engine reconditioning operation as well as introducing van hire in 1969. They included a Bedford CA 15 cwt van and the Bedford Luton as well as motor homes.

By 1973 the company had become VAT registered and as the economy thrived so did the vehicle rental sector so that more specialised vehicles were added to meet customer demand, among them 7.5 tone tippers.

By 1990 the company had many large contracts, including supplying John Menzies and the armed forces.

The range of rental vehicles had also grown to include people carriers, cars and vans.

Now, as well as supplying fleet cars and cars and people carriers for private renters Robertsons also supplies companies such as Parcelforce, Royal Mail and local authorities.


Need a car for your holidays this year?


Need a car for your holidays this year?

As memories of Covid lockdowns and travel restrictions fade the numbers of people planning summer holidays are increasing rapidly.

Already we are near capacity for the months from May to Jul so the sooner you can book the better.

Cars and minibuses are going particularly quickly, with people carriers not far behind.

We now have a wider range of makes and models due to the difficulties we are experiencing in a availability for new vehicles.

Remember, the sooner you can book your rental the better to make sure you will not be disappointed.


Book early for the holidays!


Book early for the holidays!

No, we’re not only talking about Easter, but bank holidays and summer too, in fact any time when demand for rentals for more than a day is likely to be high.

Why is this such an issue?

It’s all about the supply chain. There’s a shortage of car parts and new vehicles, making it hard to get repairs done or to add to our fleet.

So if you know you will want to book a rental care for a week at Easter, or in the summer particularly please give us as much notice as you can but certainly a minimum of two weeks

Thank you


Offering rented electric vehicles is not yet practical


Offering rented electric vehicles is not yet practical

Have you ever wondered why car rental companies do not offer hybrid or electric vehicles for rent?

Mostly, the reason is the availability of the charging infrastructure, but it is also about pricing.

Generally, rental companies require vehicles to be returned with a full tank of fuel and many have petrol pumps available on site or there is a petrol station nearby.

That would not be a practical proposition for electric vehicles.  For example, in Colchester, there are just two charging points in the city near our location. Also, the time it takes to fully charge is considerably longer than filling up a fuel tank.

Setting up charging facilities on our sites would mean a significant investment and there would still be the issue of the time it takes to fully charge a vehicle while a customer waits.

Equally, charging points are not always available near to our customers’ homes or businesses and in a typical town terraced street, how could enough charging points be made available to enable vehicles to be charged overnight?

The investment a rental company would have to make in electric vehicles would be considerable as they are generally considerably more expensive than petrol or diesel-powered cars.

Then there would be the issue of determining a viable level of pricing that would be realistic for the rental company and affordable for the customer.

While in an ideal world it would be nice to offer the option of a more environmentally friendly electric vehicle, sadly, it is not a practical proposition yet.


Our fleet is expanding


Our fleet is expanding

We have taken delivery of eight new MG SUVs and two new 7-seater Dacia Joggers since our last update.

We’re awaiting the arrival of six new, smaller MG SUVs and two MG3s.

However, due to a combination of supply chain issues for customers trying to get parts for their vehicle repairs our rental waiting bookings are now full and we have a waiting list.

It is still worth putting your name on the list if you would like to rent a vehicle over the Christmas period, however.

Do keep in touch!


Book early for Christmas and new vehicles


Book early for Christmas and new vehicles

We are advising people to book now if they are going to need to rent a car during Christmas.

There are very few spaces left so please let us know as soon as possible.

Meanwhile our search for replacement vehicles goes on.

We have recently taken delivery of two new seven-seater people carriers made by Dacia and three Maxus drop-sided vans.

Given the delays in deliveries of replacement vehicles we are actively seeking alternative manufacturers who can deliver on time.

Security Alert



In the last few weeks four of our vehicles have been stolen, one of them our own recovery vehicle.

One, a brand new car, was found written off a short time later. We also lost a Transit tipper and a minibus.

As times get harder vehicle theft is likely to increase so we would ask all of you as rental customers to be security aware.

Please think about where you are parking your rented vehicle at night and ensure it is somewhere safe and well lit. 

Please also be careful where you are putting the keys.

The same applies to car owners and their own vehicles.

We are ordering a wider range of cars


We are ordering a wider range of cars

Some of the orders for new cars that we told you about last month have been cancelled by their manufacturers.

They say that they are unable to source the parts they need to make some models.

So we are ordering a wider range of makes and models to ensure we cans supply or fleet and private rental customer order s.

In the meantime, as demand for rentals remains high please allow at least two weeks when ordering your rental – and more if you can manage it.

We will do our best to make sure you can get what you need when you need it.

Holidays in the UK and more cars ordered


Holidays in the UK and more cars ordered

Thanks to the hot weather and the surge in customers choosing to holiday in the UK, demand for our rental cars remains high.

We have ordered another 19 new cars to be delivered between now and September but we would ask that you give us as much notice as possible for your rentals.

All cars are fully insured and come with a full fuel tank so you just have to complete the paperwork and drive them away.

We wish you all very happy holidays.