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University Move-In Day Made Easy: Stress-Free Tips for a Smooth Start

University Move-In Day Made Easy: Stress-Free Tips for a Smooth Start

Starting university is an exciting new experience in a student’s life. With the excitement of learning, making new friends, and establishing a sense of new-found independence, planning for move day can fall to the wayside. Starting university on the right foot begins with a smooth move-in day, setting your child up for success from day one. From packing advice to deciding on the right vehicle to move their uni gear, read this article for tips and tricks that will make a difference on move day to residence halls.

Planning the Move

Create a checklist

Before you even begin creating a checklist of things to pack or buy, check out if your university provides a halls inventory list or a suggested packing checklist. This takes a little bit of work out of the process for you, gives your insight into what past years’ students have brought, and what will be provided to you by the university. From there you can work on your own checklist based on the one provided – there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. 

Work backwards from the things you use on a daily basis to those you only use on occasion. The first checklist draft can be a list of everything you want to bring, but be sure to revise it a few times to make sure you’re not bringing unnecessary items. Remember that first year rooms don’t have much space beyond the essentials, so try and narrow down what you can. That being said, don’t forget a few décor items to make halls feel like home.

A burden shared is a burden halved

Once you’ve looked at the list of items provided and find you’re lacking necessities like a coffee maker or microwave, don’t rush out to the store to buy one. First, coordinate with your flatmates and evenly distribute who is bringing what. Not only is it a great way to break the ice, but it reduces how much you need to pack and spend. Furthermore, consider if any of the items you need to buy are things that can be purchased near the campus, like cleaning and cooking supplies. That way there’s one less thing you need to pack up in the car.

Find out moving day times

Each university is different, so find out your uni’s move day schedule. Do you have to sign up for a timeslot, or just turn up whenever you want? Finding this out early gives you plenty of time to work out logistics, such as booking a moving vehicle early. As many other families will be doing the same thing to move their kids into uni, it’s important you book early to ensure you get the vehicle you want for the dates that you need it. Even if you have your own car, renting a vehicle may be the better option as you can go for larger carsvans, or minibuses to accommodate all the boxes and avoid multiple trips.

Assess load

To assess what size vehicle you need, pack away any items you don’t need regularly in advance. It will give you an idea of the weight and volume of your packed goods. Keep in mind that loading up your vehicle isn’t just a game of Tetris to fill to the top. You need to account for mirror and rear view window visibility, as well as space needed for people sitting in the car. Having a few extra hands as a move-in crew makes all the difference. Not only that, but a road trip from home to university with your family is a memorable experience, so be sure to make the most of that time together.

Packing Efficiently

Quality materials

Keep in mind how you’ll be transporting your things. Suitcases aren’t the best option as they’re bulky and can’t be used as efficient storage in situ. Plastic bins, however, are sturdy and can be used as under-bed storage for seasonal clothes and the supplies you don’t need immediately. They also stay in good shape for when you eventually need to move out at the end of the year.

Pack strategically

Think about the weight and size of the items you’re taking with you. Load up heavy boxes and items first and load lighter items on top. Think about weight distribution and get rid of excess weight where possible to reduce your mileage. You’ll be thanking yourself for not bringing heavy gear when you have to lug your boxes up flights of stairs!. If your vehicle can’t support the estimated weight of the boxes or is too small, don’t panic! Renting a larger vehicle is a simple, hassle-free solution.

Some clever packing will help move day flow quicker as well as maximise the space in your vehicle. The order you load up your van is the reverse order in which you will unload things. Make sure you load up boxes you need quick access to last. A well-organised move is easier with the right vehicle. If your current car is too small for the move, don’t try and make multiple trips back and forth. Instead, look into our high quality fleet of vehicles perfect for a small, medium or large sized move. If you aren’t sure which size you need, our friendly team is happy to discuss options.

Label everything

When packing items into boxes, be sure to do so by room or category so you can quickly find your things. Labelling is key to locating items and reducing the amount of half-dug through boxes. The last thing your kid wants is to run late for their classes because they can’t locate their textbooks. 

University Move Day

Drive carefully

It’s always important to practise safe driving, but especially when driving an unfamiliar vehicle with a full load of heavy gear. Make sure that your stuff doesn’t block your view of mirrors and rear window. When driving a J.D.Robertson vehicle, you can feel at ease that you’re behind the wheel of a reliable, well-maintained vehicle.

Be sure to give yourself plenty of time when driving to a new place, particularly a uni campus. The amount of one-way roads can be confusing and frustrating, particularly in a time crunch.

Take a break

Taking breaks, especially on a long drive, is important. It gives you the opportunity to rehydrate, eat, and stretch your legs, allowing you to feel refreshed and focused for the next leg of the trip. Be sure to walk around a little bit to reduce the likelihood of leg cramps and discomfort.

Unload efficiently

Efficient unloading begins with logistics. Be sure to check with the university about designated unloading areas closer to halls. Also, look into if there is any second and third year student support where they guide you to your rooms, parking, or even help you move your boxes. 

Check your room

Check your room first before bringing anything up as most halls will give you a checklist to ensure there isn’t any damage to the furniture or room itself. It’s easier to inspect the room when it’s empty. This is also a good time to do a quick wipe down of surfaces and vacuum, if necessary. Should there be an issue with the room or the move, selecting a flexible vehicle hire return policy means that should a delay occur, there’s no need to stress.